Thursday, December 11, 2008


Police Arrest Mastermind of September 11, 2001
Attack on the United States
Saturday, March 1, 2003
By KATHY GANNON, Associated Press Writer
© AP
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - The suspected mastermind of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed,
has been arrested in one of the biggest catches yet in the war on terrorism, Information Minister Sheikh
Rashid Ahmed told The Associated Press.

Mohammed, perhaps the most senior al-Qaida operative after Osama bin Laden and Egyptian Ayman
al-Zawahiri, was one of three people arrested in Rawalpindi, near the Pakistani capital of Islamabad on
Saturday, Ahmed said.

His arrest is a major coup in the effort to stifle al-Qaida. Mohammed, who is on the FBI most wanted list, had
a hand in many of the terror organization's most notorious attacks in recent years.

In Washington, U.S. President George W. Bush exclaimed "That's fantastic!" after his national security adviser,
Condoleezza Rice, delivered the news.

CIA officers and Pakistani authorities carried out the operation that led to Mohammed's capture, according to
American officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The tip-off came about a week earlier following a raid in the southwestern town of Quetta and the arrest of a
Middle Eastern man, possibly of Egyptian origin, according to a Pakistani government source who spoke to the
AP on condition of anonymity.

"At the time of that raid in Quetta the authorities were looking for Khalid Shaikh but he escaped and from there
they followed him to Rawalpindi," said the official. "They got information from the man they picked up in Quetta
and from phone calls until they tracked him down to Rawalpindi."
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed is captured in Pakistan on the morning of March 1st, 2003. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed is the mastermind of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States.
Mastermind of the September 11, 2001 Attacks
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
U.S. officials regard Mohammed as
a key al-Qaida lieutenant and organizer
of the terror mission that sent
hijacked passenger jets crashing
into the World Trade Center, the
Pentagon and into a field in the U.S.
state of Pennsylvania, killing more
than 3,000 people.

Mohammed was arrested along with
a second man of Middle Eastern origin
and a Pakistani, Ahmed Abdul
Qadoos, 42, a member of one of the
country's best organized and well
established religious parties,
Jamaat-e-Islami. The identity of
the Middle Eastern man has not
been revealed.
Pakistani government officials wouldn't say whether Mohammed had been handed over to the United States,
but it's likely given Islamabad's previous practice of handing over al-Qaida suspects to the U.S. authorities.

While Qadoos' family said he was alone when police stormed the house, senior government officials said
Mohammed and the second man were picked up in the same raid, which took place around 3 a.m. Saturday
(2200 GMT Friday).

A guard protecting the Qadoos house tried to stop police from firing at them, but they quickly overpowered
him, said Omar Qadoos, a cousin of Ahmed Abdul Qadoos. Neighbors fearing that a robbery was under way
called the police.

"The police pounded on the gate and then they rushed through. There was some firing, but no one was hurt
and then they beat the guard and broke the lock on the front door," Omar Qadoos said.

The only people home at the time of the raid were Qadoos, his wife and two children. Qadoos lives with his
father. Omar said police held the entire family at gunpoint while they collected cassettes, a computer and
computer discs. Clothes, papers and household items were strewn on the floor of the Qadoos household
evidence of the police search.

Mohammed has not been charged in the Sept. 11 attacks, but he has been charged in a 1995 plot to blow
up 11 passenger planes on their way from Asia to the United States. The U.S. government was offering up to
US$25 million for information leading to his capture.

Mohammed's ties to terrorism are deep. He is the uncle of convicted 1993 World Trade Center conspirator
Ramzi Yousef, and one of his older brothers is also an al-Qaida member. Another brother died in Pakistan
when a bomb he was making exploded. He is also said to be close to bin Laden's son, Saad bin Laden.

While the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan does not comment on FBI activities here, a spokesman, speaking on
condition he not be identified, said: "We do have excellent cooperation with the Pakistanis. We provide
technical assistance, but they conduct their own arrests."

Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf has been an important ally in the U.S.-led war on terror, but has
said that only a small number of FBI agents are operating in Pakistan and only to provide intelligence on
suspected al-Qaida or Taliban fugitives from neighboring Afghanistan.

However, Pakistani police and intelligence officials say FBI agents have been involved in nearly every
important terror arrest in Pakistan since the war on terrorism began. The Pakistani government says it has
handed over more than 420 al-Qaida and Taliban suspects to U.S. custody.

Until now the biggest catch so far was the arrest last March of al-Qaida's suspected financier, Abu Zubaydah,
who was taken into custody in a raid in the central Pakistani city of Faisalabad. Abu Zubaydah, a Saudi-born
Palestinian, was said to be a link between bin Laden and many of al-Qaida's operational cells.

Abu Zubaydah ran the Khalden camp in Afghanistan, where U.S. investigators believe many of the Sept. 11
hijackers trained.

On Sept. 11, 2002, Ramzi Binalshibh, a would-be hijacker who couldn't get into the United States, was
captured in the southern port city of Karachi. He became an aide to Mohammed and a key moneyman for
the attacks. Binalshibh was also the former roommate of hijacker Mohamed Atta.

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